

Our attorneys are engaged in a diverse practice of law with an emphasis on litigation. We have assembled an experienced team of lawyers who practice in the areas of commercial litigation, general liability and casualty, health care law, mass torts, medical device and pharmaceutical products, medical malpractice, nursing home and long-term care and professional liability. We provide comprehensive legal representation to both public and private clients. Our attorneys have served as liaison counsel in large coordinated litigations involving pharmaceuticals, surgical implants and medical devices, among others.

Carolyn M. Bohmueller

Anthony P. DeMichele

Charles E. DeSantis-Weiner

Dorothy Duffy

Heather Hulit

Jaime N. Johnson

Brett M. Littman

John A. Mercurio

Caitlin E. McCauley

Skyler R. Morgan

Paul E. Peel

Lisa J. Peters

Michael O. Pitt

Mary Kay Plyter-Eigner

Steven F. Reilly

Alexis Romney

Daniel F. Ryan III

Michael J. Schoen

Marshall L. Schwartz

Stephen G. Schroy

Tracie A. Vizza

O'Brien & Ryan News

Defense Verdict for Neurosurgeon in Montgomery County

Heather Hansen obtained a defense verdict for a neurosurgeon in Montgomery County. The plaintiff alleged that the neurosurgeon negligently performed a complete laminectomy with foraminotomy procedure on her, thereby injuring her spinal cord. Although the plaintiff...

Defense Verdict for Orthopedic Surgeon in Philadelphia County

Heather Hansen obtained a defense verdict for an orthopedic surgeon in Philadelphia County. The plaintiff alleged that the orthopedic surgeon negligently opted to perform a bilateral total knee replacement despite alleged vascular compromise in the patient; and...

Defense Verdict for Urologist in Philadelphia County

Heather Hansen obtained a defense verdict for a urologist in Philadelphia County. The plaintiff alleged that the urologist was negligent in the performance of a vesicovaginal repair suffered by the plaintiff after a hysterectomy. They contended that the urologist...

OBR Supports Toys for Tots

For the 2015 holiday season, O’Brien & Ryan, LLP proudly partnered with the U.S. Marine Corps’ Toys for Tots program to collect new unwrapped toys for distribution to less fortunate children around the country. To find out more, or to make a donation, please visit

OBR Presents at Global Pressure Ulcer Prevention Conference

On November 18th, 2015, partners Dan Ryan, Heather Hansen, Carolyn Bohmueller, Anthony DeMichele & Amanda A. O’Dea, along with IT Director Joseph Quirk presented “The Arbitration of a Hospital-Acquired Pressure Ulcer Lawsuit”, part of Jefferson Health’s 2nd Annual Global Pressure Ulcer Prevention Conference.

Heather Hansen Speaks at Hospital Conference in Ireland

On October 3, 2015, Heather Hansen presented Medical Indemnity Challenges for Acute Hospital Services: The United States and Pennsylvania Experience at the Irish Hospital Consultants Association’s Annual Conference in Dublin, Ireland.

Heather Hansen at Coverys Law Day

On September 18, 2015, Heather Hansen presented Recent Changes in PA and NJ Medical Malpractice Law and Practice as part of Coverys Law Day in Princeton, NJ.

Heather Hansen Speaks at Physician Symposium

On September 16, 2015, Heather Hansen presented a segment on Electronic Medical Records at Main Line Health’s Physician Symposium at Lankenau Medical Center in Philadelphia, PA.

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