OBR Presents at Global Pressure Ulcer Prevention Conference

OBR Presents at Global Pressure Ulcer Prevention Conference

On November 18th, 2015, partners Dan RyanHeather HansenCarolyn BohmuellerAnthony DeMichele & Amanda A. O’Dea, along with IT Director Joseph Quirk presented “The Arbitration of a Hospital-Acquired Pressure Ulcer Lawsuit”, part of Jefferson Health’s 2nd Annual Global Pressure Ulcer Prevention Conference.

Dorothy Duffy Writes for Drexel Law Review

Dorothy Duffy Writes for Drexel Law Review

In connection with the symposium Beyond Reproach: Becoming an Expert on Expert Witnesses at Drexel School of Law, Dorothy Duffy, along with Marrielle B. Van Rossum authored Of Surgical Sponges and Flour Barrels, and Why Medical Experts Are Needed Even with a Res Ipsa Loquitur Instruction for the Drexel Law Review.