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Attorney-Expert Witness Contact Permitted During Break in Trial

The Pennsylvania Superior Court reversed a criminal contempt order issued by a Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas trial judge and ruled that an attorney is permitted to speak with his expert witness during a break from direct examination. Yoskowitz v. Yazdanfar,...

Employer Can Request That Employee Undergo Medical Examination

The issue of when and under what circumstances an employer can request that an employee undergo a medical examination under the Americans with Disabilities Act was recently decided in the case of Ward v. Merck & Co., 17 Am. Disabilities Cas (BNA) (E.D....

Subcontractor Prohibited From Filing Mechanics’ Lien

The Superior Court of Pennsylvania dismissed a subcontractor's mechanics' lien for failure to issue the requisite notice under Pennsylvania law. Wentzel-Applewood Joint Ventures v. 801 Market Street Associates, 878 A. 2d 889 (Pa. Super. 2005). As a result of...

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