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O'Brien & Ryan News

Defense Verdict for Orthopedic Surgeon in Delaware County

Dan Ryan obtained a defense verdict for an orthopedic surgeon in Delaware County. The plaintiff underwent a total right knee replacement in 1997, by the orthopedic surgeon. The plaintiff did very well with her knee implant for a period of almost five years. In 2002,...

Defense Verdict for Otolaryngologist in Bucks County

Paul Peel obtained a defense verdict for an otolaryngologist in Bucks County.  Plaintiff, a physician, alleged that he underwent unnecessary sinus surgery causing him to require a revision surgery. Plaintiff also alleged that he was not given proper informed consent....

Defense Verdict for Plastic Surgeon in Philadelphia

Dorothy Duffy obtained a defense verdict for a plastic surgeon. The Honorable Victor J. DiNubile, Jr. released all 300+ pending silicone breast implant cases in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County. All but two of those cases have been discontinued. In one...

Defense Verdict on Behalf of General Surgeon in Philadelphia

Marshall L. Schwartz obtained a defense verdict on behalf of a general surgeon in Philadelphia.  Plaintiff was 42 when she underwent a laparoscopic ventral hernia repair procedure. Plaintiff alleged that use of the Veress needle, the method used to insufflate the...

Defense Verdict for Cardiothoracic Surgeon in Philadelphia County

Daniel F. Ryan, III obtained a defense verdict for a cardiothoracic surgeon in Philadelphia County.  In this case, the decedent underwent a ventral septal defect repair procedure on November 15, 2000. The decedent subsequently underwent a second emergency heart...

Dorothy Duffy Writes for Drexel Law Review

In connection with the symposium Beyond Reproach: Becoming an Expert on Expert Witnesses at Drexel School of Law, Dorothy Duffy, along with Marrielle B. Van Rossum authored Of Surgical Sponges and Flour Barrels, and Why Medical Experts Are Needed Even with a Res Ipsa Loquitur Instruction for the Drexel Law Review.

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