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About O’brien & Ryan
Skill and Tenacity in all Aspects of Representation
For decades, O’Brien & Ryan, LLP, has represented entities and individuals in state and federal courts throughout Pennsylvania and New Jersey, as well as in administrative tribunals and various alternative dispute forums covering a diverse range of legal matters from complex litigation to simple personal cases. We remain on the leading edge of technological advances in both the office and courtroom settings. We are comprised of attorneys selected for their wide range of legal experience and strong commitment to their clients. The size of the firm allows each client to enjoy personal and consistent attention.
Our clients range from major hospitals, educational institutions and Fortune 500 companies to individual professionals and smaller commercial enterprises. O’Brien & Ryan has a well-deserved reputation as a firm that is rich in trial experience. Clients look to O’Brien & Ryan because our willingness to take cases to trial consistently yields superior results.
O'Brien & Ryan News
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Superior Court Affirms Lower Court’s Decision That Medicaid Regulations Relate Primarily To “A Procedure For Payment For Medical Services”
In Issac v. Jameson Memorial Hospital, 932 A.2d 924, 2007 Pa. Super. 250 (Pa. Super. 2007), the PA Superior Court was asked to decide whether Medicaid regulations (42 CFR §441.253 and 42 CFR §441.257 ), impose an additional legal standard in actions for informed...
Superior Court Holds That Beneficiary of Medical Expenses Paid by DPW for Care of Minor Child Is Parents
On August 15, 2007, the PA Superior Court, in the case of Bowmaster v. Gerald Clair and Centre Community Hospital, held that the beneficiary of medical expenses paid by DPW for the care and treatment of a minor child is the parents of the minor child as it is the...
Pennsylvania Commission On The Medical Care Availability And Reduction Of Error (MCare) Fund Submits Final Report
The Pennsylvania Commission on the MCare Fund submitted its final report November 16, 2006. The Commission, created by statute on December 22, 2005, “for the purpose of reviewing and making recommendations regarding appropriate and effective methods to address any...
New Statute Mandates That Any Amount Awarded in a Lawsuit Must Be Offset by Overdue Child Support
A recently-enacted statute, which was signed into law by Governor Rendell, states that before a prevailing party or beneficiary in a law suit can receive the proceeds from any settlement or award, that party must provide to his or her attorney a sworn statement that...
New Statute Mandates That Any Amount Awarded in a Lawsuit Must Be Offset by Overdue Child Support
A recently-enacted statute, which was signed into law by Governor Rendell, states that before a prevailing party or beneficiary in a law suit can receive the proceeds from any settlement or award, that party must provide to his or her attorney a sworn statement that...
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