O’Brien & Ryan, LLP has extensive experience in representing clients in a broad range of civil litigation matters, including:

Products Liability

  • We have extensive experience in handling products liability matters. We represent clients in state and federal cases involving defective products, strict liability and breach of warranty. Our attorneys also have vast experience in cases involving medical devices and surgical products. We have successfully defended clients in the pedicle bone screw litigation and breast implant litigation. Our attorneys have also handled cases involving vending machines, automobiles, seatbelts, lighters and floor tiles. We represent manufacturers, distributors, and sellers of various products in commercial and business litigation. We have successfully defended clients in complex drug litigation, including cases involving Rezulin, fen-phen, and Baycol.

Premises Liability

  • We represent health care providers, businesses and homeowners in cases of general premises liability. We are also very experienced in representing clients involved in construction accidents.

Motor Vehicle Liability

  • Our attorneys possess extensive experience in litigating automobile cases. This practice group handles a wide range of motor vehicle accident cases. Our extensive experience in medical claims allow us to efficiently identify and evaluate all types of injuries suffered in motor vehicle accidents. Our familiarity with medicine and causation defenses pertaining to injuries gives us a unique advantage over our opponents. Moreover, our access to, and experience with, top medical specialists provides our clients with the best possible representation.


  • We also represent major claims services companies in significant damages casualty cases. The firm is experienced in litigating issues involving insurance bad faith, workers’ compensation, unfair trade practices and insurance negligence.

Anthony P. DeMichele
(610) 834-6235   
(610) 834-1749 Fax
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O'Brien & Ryan News

Defense Verdict for Otolaryngologist in Bucks County

Michael O. Pitt obtained a defense verdict in favor of an otolaryngologist following a five day jury trial in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. At issue was surgery to remove a polyp from the plaintiff's sphenoid sinus. Plaintiff had alleged that the surgery performed was...

Dan Ryan Serves as Panelist

Dan Ryan served as a panelist for How Super Lawyers Use ADR in Their Practice at the Civil Litigation Section Meeting in Philadelphia, PA on October 17, 2013.

OBR Supports PA Elks’ Home Nursing Program

O’Brien & Ryan, LLP was a Premier Sponsor for the Norristown Elks Lodge’s golf outing to raise funds for the Pennsylvania Elks’ Home Service Program. The Program involves services provided by registered nurses to persons with developmental disabilities. We were honored to have the opportuntity to participate and support this great cause.

Tracie Vizza is Faculty for CLE

On July 31, 2013, Tracie Vizza was part of the faculty for “How a Litigation Notebook Can Help You Win”, a CLE given by the Pennsylvania Bar Institute in Philadelphia, PA.

OBR Supports Child Advocacy

On July 27, 2013, attorneys Carolyn Bohmueller, Dorothy Duffy, Marshall Schwartz, Brett Littman, Tracie Vizza, and paralegal Brigid Wixted all participated in the 26th Annual “Run for the Hill of It” in Chestnut Hill, PA, the proceeds of which benefit the Montgomery Child Advocacy Project.

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