Nursing Home & Long-Term Care Litigation


O’Brien & Ryan, LLP represents nursing homes, assisted living facilities and other long-term care facilities throughout Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Our long-term care practice group consists of attorneys who dedicate their practices to the representation to these facilities. O’Brien & Ryan, LLP utilizes well respected experts in nursing, geriatric medicine and facility administration in the defense of our clients. We are also very familiar with federal and state regulation of nursing homes in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and the impact of regulations on nursing home litigation. O’Brien & Ryan, LLP has successfully defended long-term care facilities in cases involving medication errors, various types of pressure ulcers, falls, abuse, infections, and many other areas. The firm has also successfully defended our clients against corporate negligence claims and cases involving violations of federal and state regulations and employment matters.

O’Brien & Ryan, LLP has counseled clients on alternative dispute resolution and risk management strategies. The firm has also represented long-term care facilities in regulatory and administrative matters and white-collar criminal investigations. Our attorneys are experienced in representing individuals employed by long-term care facilities including medical directors, administrators, nurses and therapists. O’Brien & Ryan attorneys have lectured nationally on long-term care issues including malpractice prevention and risk management and defending long-term care facilities in litigation. It is our goal to provide the best possible defense to our institutional clients in a cost-effective and professional manner.

Marshall L. Schwartz
(610) 834-6294   (610) 834-1749 Fax
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O'Brien & Ryan News

Successful Defense of Attorney and Firm at Arbitration

Anthony P. DeMichele successfully defended an attorney and his firm at arbitration in a matter involving claims of professional negligence.  The plaintiff was a musician and music producer who claimed that he entered into a contract with a legendary music artist to...

Successful Defense of MRI Facility & Technologist at Arbitration

Anthony P. DeMichele successfully defended an MRI facility and one of its technologists at arbitration in a matter involving claims of professional negligence. Plaintiffs were husband and wife and claimed that the husband was injured when he fell from a MRI table...

Dismissal of All Claims for Kidney Transplant Team in New Jersey

UPDATE: Third Circuit Upholds Dismissal on Appeal (See below) O’Brien & Ryan attorneys Dan Ryan and Anthony P. DeMichele obtained a dismissal of all claims lodged against a kidney transplant team in New Jersey federal court.  The plaintiff had received a...

Peer Reviews Initiated by Insurers Not Privileged

A three judge panel upheld a Lackawanna County Court of Common Pleas ruling that the Pennsylvania Peer Review Protection Act’s (“PRPA”) privilege provision only applies to peer reviews initiated by a professional health care provider.  A medical peer review...

Hospital Board Minutes Privileged in MedMal Case

A three judge panel overturned an Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas ruling that the minutes of a board meeting conducted following a tainted kidney transplant were discoverable.  The panel remanded the decision for in camera review for the trial court to...

Nurse’s Incident Report Not Barred from Discovery in Med-Mal Case

The Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas has held that an incident report completed by a charge nurse is not barred from discovery under the MCARE Act. The court's decision is among other recent trial court decisions regarding the growing body of case law that has...

St. Genevieve School’s Annual Golf Outing

On October 3, 2016, O’Brien & Ryan, LLP was proud to sponsor the St. Genevieve School’s annual golf outing, with proceeds going to upgrade the facility’s science and technology equipment.

Dan Ryan Speaks at State Judges’ Conference

Dan Ryan spoke at the Annual Conference of Pennsylvania State Trial Judges in Hershey, PA in July, 2016 on the subject of current trends and recent developments in medical malpractice litigation.

9 Attorneys Selected to 2016 Pennsylvania Super Lawyers

Each year, on a state-by-state basis, Super Lawyers selects attorneys using peer nominations and evaluations along with third party research. Each candidate is evaluated on 12 indicators of peer recognition and professional achievement, and those selected represent the top five percent of the total lawyers in each state.

OBR Sponsors Einstein Cancer Program

On May 17, 2014, O’Brien & Ryan, LLP participated as a Course Sponsor for Einstein Medical Center Montgomerey’s Walk Through The Park, at scenic Norristown Farm Park. The walk raised over $28,000 in support of the hospital’s Cancer Program.

Anthony DeMichele is Panelist for IADC

Anthony P. DeMichele served as a panelist for the International Association of Defense Counsel’s 2016 Professional Liability Roundtable, held on May 12, 2016, in Chicago, IL.

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