Practice Areas


The first and most important step towards reaching a successful resolution in any legal matter is to choose a firm that is fully committed and equipped to handle your specific legal needs. As an informed consumer of legal services, you must be sure that the firm you select is in fact qualified to handle the matter at hand. In today’s rapidly changing legal environment, that’s more important than ever.

For over thirty years, O’Brien & Ryan, LLP has tailored its practice to ensure expertise in a wide range of areas. We have made a solid commitment to these areas so that we can assure the best possible legal representation to our clients. To read more about the specialties of O’Brien & Ryan, LLP, simply click the links located on this page.

practice areas


Medical malpractice


Medical malpractice


Medical malpractice


Medical malpractice


Medical malpractice


Medical malpractice


The proof is in the pudding


Legal news


Dan Ryan Serves as Panelist

Dan Ryan Serves as Panelist

Dan Ryan served as a panelist for How Super Lawyers Use ADR in Their Practice at the Civil Litigation Section Meeting in Philadelphia, PA on October 17, 2013.

OBR Supports PA Elks’ Home Nursing Program

OBR Supports PA Elks’ Home Nursing Program

O’Brien & Ryan, LLP was a Premier Sponsor for the Norristown Elks Lodge’s golf outing to raise funds for the Pennsylvania Elks’ Home Service Program. The Program involves services provided by registered nurses to persons with developmental disabilities. We were honored to have the opportuntity to participate and support this great cause.

Tracie Vizza is Faculty for CLE

Tracie Vizza is Faculty for CLE

On July 31, 2013, Tracie Vizza was part of the faculty for “How a Litigation Notebook Can Help You Win”, a CLE given by the Pennsylvania Bar Institute in Philadelphia, PA.

OBR Supports Child Advocacy

OBR Supports Child Advocacy

On July 27, 2013, attorneys Carolyn Bohmueller, Dorothy Duffy, Marshall Schwartz, Brett Littman, Tracie Vizza, and paralegal Brigid Wixted all participated in the 26th Annual “Run for the Hill of It” in Chestnut Hill, PA, the proceeds of which benefit the Montgomery Child Advocacy Project.

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